威海What is the application and principle of ozone generator for water treatment?

2023-08-21 16:31:59

Ozone (O 3) water treatment technology can break down organic matter in water. Ozone (O 3) water treatment processes do not produce environmentally friendly substances. Ozone (O 3) water treatment technology is a known material with strong oxidation capacity. As an environmentally safe application technology, it can solve the problem of odor and color impurities in water and reduce the total organic matter content (COD) by about 50%. Foreign water departments determine the quality and standards of water according to its use, and stipulate that drinking water should not contain pathogens and toxins, but must contain minerals. Various minerals, pH, turbidity, color, solubility, gases, microorganisms, etc., can affect water quality. In order to improve water quality, Europe, Japan and the United States adopted ozone water treatment technology in the last century. At present, China has begun to use mature ozone water treatment technology and equipment. Below and Xiaobian together to learn the application and principle of ozone generator for water treatment.

In 2001, Ozone Generators joined forces with environmental research institutes with industry-leading technology for ozone generation. By virtue of their respective technology and research and development advantages in water treatment, ozone generators have carried out application research on ozone water treatment technology in China. At present, the Nanjing Wanjie Ozone Advanced Technology Institute began to use ozone technology as early as the 1990s. In the technical development of dispersing high-quality drinking water, the safe reuse of sewage and the in-depth treatment of drinking water, ozone materials have preservatives, disinfectants, decolorization, deodorization, deodorization, algae removal, heavy metal oxidation, organic decomposition, pesticide degradation and so on. They help each household drink healthier water and use cleaner water while reusing wastewater after ozone water treatment. Utilization can greatly save water resources and promote the recycling of water resources.

In the past eight years, through a large number of experiments and demonstrations, different water sources such as lake water, river water, reservoir water, domestic sewage and industrial wastewater have been developed with different application objectives of hand disinfectant treatment schemes, and improved the technical basis of ozone water treatment technology in China. This study is expected to change the blindness of the application of ozone water treatment in China, promote the application of ozone water treatment technology to a wider range, so as to improve water safety in China and effectively realize the effective use of water resources. . It is reported that after decades of research, unit energy consumption has been reduced by 2-3 times, the price of ozone generators has been declining, and the equipment is more compact and more conducive to promotion.

First, high voltage discharge generator

The ozone generator uses a high voltage current of a certain frequency to produce a high voltage corona electric field, which causes the oxygen molecules in or around the electric field to produce ozone.

The ozone generator has mature technology, stable operation, long service life, large ozone output (up to 1Kg/h per unit), and is the most widely used ozone generator in the weighing cover industry at home and abroad.

Second, ultraviolet ozone generator

This ozone generator uses ultraviolet light of a specific wavelength (185mm) to illuminate oxygen molecules, causing them to break down to produce ozone. Due to the large size of the UV lamp, low ozone production, short service life, and narrow range of generator use, it is often used in disinfection cabinets.

Three, electrolytic generator

Such ozone generators usually produce ozone by electrolysis of purified water. This kind of generator can produce high concentration of ozone water, low manufacturing cost, simple use and maintenance. However, due to the shortcomings of the ozone production can not be enlarged, the electrode service life is short, and the ozone is not easy to collect, its range of use is limited. At present, this generator is only used on some specific small equipment or in some specific places, and does not have the conditions to replace the high-voltage discharge generator.


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